Session 01: The Ground Within You


As we learn how to connect to the ground within - we become more intimate with the pulse and movement of our internal energy. We can find our center and become more intimate with our reactionary impulses to reduce reduce stress and anxiety. To react less and respond more. And have more choice in how we handle the challenges of life.

We will embody this understanding by focusing our attention on the first energy center at the base of our spine, also known as the Root Chakra.

Connected to the adrenals, this is where we hold our survival energy - our body’s instinctive pulse towards action, our fight or flight response. 

This center represents our need to survive and is triggered by events when we felt like we didn’t have enough - enough money, food, shelter - when our safety felt threatened. Once that happens, we can continue to feel threatened - even after that experience or original event. Because we can get used to living in a state of repetitive stress, and this stress turns into a pattern of anxiety, that can get stuck in our nervous system  - draining our energy.

In the following episode, we will become more familiar with this energy and experience how to manage our reactionary impulses and find our center.


Intro: The Resilience & Power of Chakras


Session 02: Coming Home to Self