Session 02: Coming Home to Self
In the last session we focused on finding our inner ground and in this session, we will learn how to come home to the deeper part of our Self.
Coming home so that we can transform feelings of unworthiness as we heal wounds. And dissolving walls from the past, as we strengthen our boundaries with others - creating a safe space to come home to. An intimate, private dwelling, that houses the tender parts of ourselves. The parts that hide, the parts that desire connection, and the parts that feel most vulnerable. These parts live inside the energy of the second center, along our spine, between the pelvis and the belly button, also known as the Sacral Chakra.
Connected to the sexual organs, and the kidney, and holds our instinctual desire for connection, beauty, co-creation and self worth - the center holds our need to relate to others, and how we relate to life. But when this center becomes blocked, we re-experience hurt feelings from past relationships, as we replay memories of events of wounds that were inflicted by others. It can also become blocked when we become triggered by feelings of guilt for something we did, or didn’t do. Guilt we can hold onto then we have disappointed others, or let someone we loved - down.