Session 03: Transforming the Shadow
In the last session we focused on coming home to ourselves. And in this session, we will learn how reveal and nurture our shadows, so that we can heal our past. The past the we have lived, and the past the ancestral past we were born into.
We can transform this energy as we focus our attention on the third energy center along the spine, located between our belly button and our heart, also known as the Solar Plexus.
This areas is connected to engine of our body and our digestion, it is the mind of our emotions - our gut brain. The unconscious center that has influence over the first and second chakras. It is designed to metabolize incoming sensory information, and is home to our gut instincts. Providing us with immediate, instinctual knowing if a situation is safe or not, and how we react or take action.
It is where we feel things deeply. The emotional body that expresses our deeper needs, our likes and dislikes, and what we do to comfort and keep ourselves safe.