Session 05: Owning Our Truth
In the last session we focused on the creative heart. Inside the heart center this area vibrates with the energy of love, gratitude, and forgiveness. It is the home of our creative intelligence and our intuitive wisdom.
In this session we will explore the fifth energy center, also known as the throat chakra. It is the power of words and how the words we choose, and the beliefs we form that impact our bodies and our lives. This is how we express the first four energy centers, and why owning our truth can transform at a deep level.
Located in the center of the throat, this chakra also connects to our mouth, cheeks, neck and shoulders. It embodies the truth we share with others and the truth we share with ourselves. It is how words shape our truth, and form our memories.
And as we start to own our truth, we also acknowledge our feelings, and provide a safe space for them. And we can learn how to choose words that represent our truth, and feel better in the body. Words that align to our values and support our goals. Reshaping fear patterns and creating a mindset that enables us to grow.
This center can become blocked or unbalanced when we suppress our truth, and repress our feelings. When this happens our ego gains too much power, and fear and control take over. We begin to fear what others will think, we stop trusting ourselves, we lose that sacred connection to self, forgeting that we are divine beings.
When this patterns continues for too long, we begin to clam up - our throat tightens, and we don’t allow the energy to move freely. And this can impact our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.